Fairy Nuff

I needn’t worried sooo much. The fancy dress party was a huge success. Went straight to my cousin’s house from work to get ready and there was already some of the girls getting ready and in the party spirit. Vodka and white wine!!
Started getting ready into my fairy costume. Pink leotard, pink fairy petal skirt, pink ballet cardigan, pink and white stripy stockings, pink fairy wings. I then had a silver and diamond tiara from my time as a bridesmaid and silver doc marten boots.
My friends were dressed variously as : Charleston girl, Viking, and the Vicar of Dibley. Which I think was the best outfit.
The Viking friend drove us to the local pub where we picked up another party attendee, a pirate. Perhaps not surprisingly we got quite a number of funny looks when we went into a packed pub on a Friday night dressed as the ensemble already described.
The five of us squeezed into the Viking’s Renault Clio and I was very careful not to put my wand up the nose of the Charleston girl, or sit on the Vicar of Dibley’s bible.
Got to the pub where the party was and fortunately it was packed with girls in millions of different outfits, which was reassuring. No other fairies either. Obviously I’m the only one who hasn’t realised that fairies are for the under 7s only.
Had a really lovely meal, avoided the Roast Turkey, as I’m sure there will be more than enough of that in the weeks to come. Unfortunately the Viking felt tired, (too much pillaging) so she went home, leaving the rest of us gallivanting the night away. Small embarrassment of the night was when a guy at the bar told me I’d dropped a fiver, so being the gullible galah that I am, I bend down to investigate and a large cheer went up from the bloke at the bar. Didn’t fall for that one again. Danced all night to the campest disco ever, and managed to get nicely steaming drunk and the double house vodka.
Got a taxi back to the original pub which has a late bar until 2am. Don’t recall much more from that… Walked back to my cousin’s house in the rain and fortunately didn’t bump into anyone else on the journey.
Felt dreadful the next day… And all day too… I’m getting too old for all this malarkey.
Which is why I’m going to try and prepare my body now for the hammering it will get over Xmas. Avoiding caffine and alcohol until the final moment – which may backfire spectacularly when I get drunk from a sniff of Pinot at the office doo.
Only 2 days in and so far it’s been going OK. Although not really had much opportunity to indulge. At the pub tonight to catch up on all the gossips and to see the photos, and if only I knew how I might put some on here.
It’s a fancy dress party, and I’ll cry if I want to
Going to a fancy dress party tonight with the girls. I’m dressing as a flower fairy…. Yes, yes I know…. Fairies are the preserve of the under 7s… I fought my way through Claire’s Accessories to buy fairy wings, a magic wand and sparkly things.
I’ve got a horrible feeling that it’s a rotten gag that everyone at the party is playing..
“Oh yes, fancy dress, come dressed as you like.”
Only to get there, and find that everyone else is dressed down in jeans and casual tops. How can I spend the whole time in the pub (although in a private room) dressed as a fairy?
I’ll let you know if my shame and embarrassment is realised.
The doctor will see you now
Threw myself at the mercy of the NHS again with my follow-up appointment to my follow-up appointment. Being the dope I couldn’t find my letter with the time, but I vaguely remembered that it was around 9am so thought I’d head for that time and be right within an hour at least.
Got to the postage sized stamp of a car park and paid £1.70 for my parking allowance, bumped into a guy at the pay and display machine who was complaining about the charges, I guess this is the price of supporting the NHS today. Got to the reception and booked in – the receptionist didn’t give me any indication of the time I should have been there, but then didn’t appear surprised that I had arrived too early.
Took my seat in the waiting room, couldn’t get my usual seat so settled for one near the back so I could watch the comings and goings I’m strangely fascinated with other people. It’s a broad section of women who attend the clinic. There are the grannies talking loudly to each other about who they have bumped into at the Co-op recently. There are a couple of younger women a few heavily pregnant and some with babies in pushchairs I guess there is an antenatal clinic being run somewhere.
One by one people are getting called by the nurses and leaving the room to be replaced by new waiting people so it’s a continual change for scenery. I’ve brought a book but I’m not really able to concentrate, what with the comings and goings. Plus I’m reading a biography of Robbie Williams for want of something better. It’s rubbish as well, don’t get me wrong I think Robbie is brilliant, I love his CDs and I saw him in concert at MK Bowl and he was fantastic. But the book is terrible; I can’t bring myself to care about his manic streak, his paranoia and desire for peace from the paparazzi. I wish I were reading something that would make me look more intellectual. I’m even wearing my glasses for that intelligent look. A lady comes and sits next to me and we make eye contact as I shuffle my things to make room for her. She smiles an acknowledgement, settles down and pulls out some knitting!! I’m transfixed!! I haven’t seen anyone knit since my auntie taught me when I was about 7 years old. Her needles are flying and making that click-click sound that I haven’t heard in years and years. She isn’t how I imagine at traditional knitter. She’s maybe early 40s smartly dressed in a skirt and jacket and long boots, she looks like she should be sat at a desk creating presentations not scarves!!
At 10am the nurse calls me through and I’m taken to another room with more chairs and told to wait a moment. Various people rush by and I spy a couple of women who I’d seen being called from the waiting room before me. I’m trying to concentrate on Robbie’s book, but overhear two nurses discussing my skirt, saying they like it. I’m secretly majorly pleased but I try and concentrate on my book so I don’t give it away that I’m listening. Again I wish I was reading something more intelligent. Twenty minutes later the original nurse returns and calls me through into the consulting room. The Doctor is there, and he apologises for keeping me waiting, only I can’t say anything because, for a start I didn’t even know what time my appointment was supposed to be!! It’s the first time I’ve seen this doctor, although I think he may have carried out my op – although I was under anaesthetic so I don’t recall him, his assistant doctor came to see me beforehand.
Anyways, the real doctor was very pleasant – quite young looking, he talks me through the results of my lasts tests, which were good and says that they will send me for more blood tests in a few weeks. I’m in the room for about 5 mins and I’m packed out again with a slip for my next blood tests.
The nurse ushers me out with some forms and I’m pretty much done! All that waiting for 5 minutes of his time!! I sign myself out at reception and walk back holding the Robbie Williams book carefully so people can’t see what rubbish I’m reading. It’s a hardback so won’t fit in my bag. Get back to my car, and the postage-sized car park is full and overflowing, cars are abandoned on grass verges, or double yellows. I always like to try and search out a car who is looking for a space to tell them that I’m leaving and they can have my spot. The, only advantage of getting to the hospital early is that at least you can find somewhere to park! I get in the car and a black Mondeo spots I’m leaving and stops hovering for my spot. Only now I’m sure that I can’t get enough lock to manoeuvre the Bug out of the space. I feel silly now, and wish they weren’t watching me trying to leave. I give up and end up driving the wrong way out of the car park, as it’s easier to turn right. Everyone gives me filthy looks. I mean it’s bad enough going to a hospital, or visiting someone in hospital without getting involved in car park wars too!
Getting out of the house
Sunday was a gorgeous day for getting out and about, and so I decided to brave a bike ride.
The only problem being that I'm not very well geared up for the colder months as I only possess cycling shorts and t-shirts... But I'm made of stern stuff. My Eastern European heritage would mean I could face colder temperatures, but just to make sure, I put my waterproof jacket on to try and keep some of my heat in.
Set off out the house and headed down Deane Road to pick up the new cycle path along the canal. Rode past a bunch of kids who were lay on the road... It's that kind of area - you don't ask questions. One of the kids jumped up and aimed with a plastic gun, shouting "Stop Give Me Your Bike". Not likely!!!! So I pedalled harder and left them shouting obscenities in my wake!
Going along the canal path was much better, the council have recently laid a route from Bolton to Horwich, about 4 miles and it was supposed to have been finished by Summer. However, when I went along at the begining of September, it was still being completed. I wasn't too sure how far they would have got along... But sure enough the path was there right up to the Lostock Arms car park - handy for future reference!
The track then takes you over the bridge at the train station and towards Chorley New Road, before heading for the footpath through the Municipal Golf Course. You have to duck to make sure there aren't any stray balls flying your way. Zoomed all along there and finally popped out on a housing estate right near the Reebok Stadium... Possibly a chance to ride to the next home game???
Coming back I decided against the nice gentle cycle paths and headed up past the Barnstormers towards the A6. Yes, I know I've had better ideas!!! Got overtaken on the main road by some older guy... who was on a racing bike... Not my 10 ton piece of mountain junk!
Negotiated the motorway roundabout safely and back to Deane Road and home. Roughly 10 miles. My legs were freezing, but was glad I didn't sacrifice the comfort of padded cycling shorts for the warmth of traccie pants. My saddle is as comfortable as a bread knife at times!!!
Was lovely as well to see loads of people out and about enjoying the weather and taking a stroll along the paths. Well done the council... Glad to see somethings are working!!!
Note to self: Warm trousers next time!
Where have I been
I can't believe I've neglected my blog so much, I feel embarrassed! Especially when the truth is I haven't really been doing anything much more exciting!!!
The really good news I can report is that the Uninvited House Guest has left and returned back to where she came which is just wonderful news. I can relax. Put things down where I want to, watch TV when I want and not have all my wine drunk!!!!
I hadn't realised how pished off I'd become until I went to my accupuncture appointment. I hadn't been for 3 weeks because of work and stuff... I started going after my op in July to get my ying and yang in proper balance as I was a bit all over the place, and bizarrely as being stabbed with 10 or 12 needles is, it is very relaxing!!! The girl who does it is lovely too.
So I was telling her how glad I was that Univited House Guest had gone, because I was really pished off with her... So accupuncture girl said, well I'll give you a massage to start with to relax you.
So she gave me a back massage and it was heaven!! The best thing that could be done by anyone to anyone!!!! Well probably the only thing that should be done by a girl to a girl... Does that sound any better??
Um, probably not,
Anyways after 20 mins of massage she started with the needles and put one in the top of my head!! A few in my toes... Which hurt slightly and a couple in my knees and then my wrists. It's hard to explain but after about 15 mins or so I just feel really calm and relaxed, and a bit dozy!!!
So it's always a huge shame to go back and join the real world.
So tiny pins and needles I salute the work you do!!!
Girls just want to have fun
The girlie of sleepover, the best thing you can do with a bunch of pals, pyjamas and plenty of wine.
Ever since being knee-high to a grasshopper (well OK I’m still knee-high to a grasshopper) I’ve loved chilling out with mates and discussing the whole world and everyone in it – I think it’s my early obsession with Grease that did it. When the Pink Ladies went round to Frenchie’s house to gossip about love life and to pierce each others ears.
Well OK, so we didn’t do the ear piercing bit, but we still ate lots of nibbles, drank lots of wine and carved melons into Jack o’Lanterns. Sarah couldn’t get pumpkins and I think that shows a great deal of creative thinking. OK we’re a bit late for Halloween but the spirit was there (not just the vodka)
The main ingredient of the girlie sleep over is wine, oh and music and we had both in copious amounts. I cringed when I saw the video from Caroline’s phone to see us all dancing round the kitchen to Dolly Parton!!! Luckily it’s a detached house!!!
I started going to sleepovers when I was 10 or 11 and, admittedly it was more vimto that Pinot Grigio, I do think it’s the best thing you can do with your girl pals. Whilst the conversation has moved on from the care-free school day as we all have the ties and responsibilities of houses and jobs, you can’t beat a good gossip on who is the most fanciable boy on the planet.
So Hooray to the good old-fashioned sleep over and here’s to many more!!!
On a quiet suburban street
What’s going on in or around quiet side streets these days? Hot on the heels of the “two tribes” episode on a quiet road near Manchester, my friend becomes the victim of a mystery.
Coming home late, my friend couldn’t park in front of her house, so she parks further up the street in front of someone else’s house. However, it’s all legal, not blocking anyone’s access (oo-er) or staying on double yellow lines.
The next day, she sets off to run some errands and walks up the road to find and empty space of tarmac where the vehicle once stood!!!!! A neighbour recalls seeing men in yellow jackets towing the car away.
A call to the council reveals no requests to tow a car, a call to the Police also draws a blank with any towing operators. This is definitely a mystery.
So now it’s classed a stolen car. But how low can you get? It’s just an every day runaround no fancy sports saloon or executive vehicle. My friend is now faced a mountain of paperwork and hassle getting the insurance sorted, and has to cancel plans already made including a job interview as she’s no transport to get there.
I know that a stolen car isn’t the crime of the century. I just get annoyed at fellow people who have no qualms at giving the ordinary guy or girl a rough time. Let’s face it turning up with a tow truck and a yellow jackets means this wasn’t any kind of amateur approach. They knew when the set off in the morning that they were going to pretty much screw up someone’s day good and proper.
A hex on you scoundrels if you’re reading this. You’re a bunch of skannky losers. I hope your willies turn green and drop off.