Friday, May 02, 2008

Time to Say Goodbye

Sad news today.

A good friend Anna e-mailed me to say that she'd suffered a miscarriage on Tuesday and lost the baby boy she was expecting. She was 18 weeks pregnant - almost halfway.

It's dreadful news for Anna, she already has a gorgeous 2 year old daughter and she was very excited about the new addition to the family.

It brought me back to thinking about my loss last year, and I remember the total shock and grief I felt. A friend asked me last week if I ever think about that baby, and yes I do sometimes. Especially when baby Pumkin was born, I had a small moment thinking about the baby that didn't survive, would that one have been another girl or a boy to even things out. But now when I see my beautiful, healthy, delightful baby I can only feel joy. Perhaps the loss of my other baby helped ensure Pumpkin arrived safe and well and just a week overdue.

I sent my condolences to Anna, and this week I deleted the text messages I received following my loss I read them from time to time. However, the time has come now to say goodbye to poor baby who didn't make it and concentrate all my attention and energy to my gorgeous girl.


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