It's all I've ever wanted....
Been watching a bit of fun TV the past few weeks, mainly the reality stuff to keep an eye on the British public at large. One thing that strikes me that from the Apprentice to You've Not Got Talent, those taking part claim that to win would be:All I've Ever Wanted
Which is odd, when you look at past winners of these shows, be them singers, dancers, business people, oddballs, fame wannabees it doesn't always end up for the best. Most satellite channels have shows showing whatever happened to so-and-so and after achieving their 15 minutes they vanish into the ether. Is that All That They Ever Wanted??
So it got me thinking, what have I ever wanted....??? Well for a while it was for Bolton to stay in the Premier League, but now that has been achieved I have to ever want something else. I certainly don't see me parading on any kind of TV show as I know full well I don't have any talent whatsoever in anything, hence me being unemployed!
However, the only thing I've ever wanted for a little while is some decent night's sleep and that is as likely as me becoming the next Apprentice.
At the moment I'm feeling Gordon Brown like. I've landed the position of my dreams and it turns out that I'm not very good at it and have got people complaining bitterly. OK, I've only got one very small complainer - but it's enough to make me feel unworthy. Sleep and I are drifting further and further apart and it would appear that it's all my fault. I've discovered that Baby Pumpkin isn't putting on any weight and I've probably been unintentionally starving her. So I'm trying to get her back onto the path of baby growth and feed her up, but it's not working and what's more we're both getting frustrated, tired and miserable with each other. And the more that happens the less likely she will be to put on weight and to sleep.
So the bat signal has been raised and my mum is coming to visit from Cumbria for a few days. My pride has taken one heck of a beating, I feel useless and disappointed that I've struggled with Pumpkin, however we're both stubborn and it's not getting either of us anywhere.
After all, All I've Ever Wanted is for my baby Pumpkin to be happy so if it means swallowing my pride and asking for help, it's a small price to pay.
Labels: Help, Reality TV, Weight
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