Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Weekend at Pixie's

Had some guests stay at the weekend to meet Baby Pumpkin for the first time.

I got an e-mail from an old university friend Scott saying he would like to visit and meet baby Pumpkin with his new girlfriend Cathy. Not a problem, and looking forward to showing off baby Pumpkin, but I felt a bit torn as I'm really good friends with Scott's ex-girlfriend Claire.

Scott and Claire had been together for over 10 years and had got to the point where they had the "discussion" where they discussed the next step - marriage or kids. However, Scott decided to break up which was a massive shock to Claire.

Since the split Claire moved out of their house and bought her own place near to her parents, we've met up lots since the split and Claire is still a bit shocked, but is moving on.

And it would appear that Scott is moving on as he has started dating Cathy, 9 years younger than him and has bought a sportscar. Hmmmm, now that doesn't sound too cliched does it???

Scott and Cathy arrived on Friday and whilst I was looking forward to seeing them, I also felt a bit apprehensive about meeting the new girlfriend - kind of disloyal to Claire!! I was terrified that I would put my foot in it, something like accidently calling Cathy by Claire's name. The more you worry about it, the more likely it becomes!! I didn't know if I should mention to Claire that Scott and Cathy were coming to stay.

I advised Scott that they might be happier staying in a local hotel, my spare room is now Baby Pumkin's room and all I could offer them was the sofa bed in the sitting room. I was also concerned that Baby Pumpkin's frequent night wakings might be a bit of a strain on a childless couple!! However, Scott was adamant that they would stay with me and Pumpkin - save money on a hotel, says the man with the sportscar and consulting job with huge blue chip London organisation!!

The weekend went well despite my worries!! No name faux-pas Baby Pumkin awoke only once screaming in the night. Cathy was very nice, they brought fabulous presents for Pumpkin from Hamleys toy shop in London. So all in all a very nice weekend.

I still wished that it was Scott and Claire who were visiting.


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