I'm Back

Just blowing the dust and cobwebs of the old Pixie Blog, it's been a long time and the place is feeling very neglected I'll just get my duster out and then I can bring you up-to-date.
Well, here we go. Since my last blog which I see was back in July 2007 a lot of things have happened:
Most importantly the birth of my beautiful and gorgeous baby girl in December 2007 weighing a healthy 7lb 12oz. Now I haven't achieved much in my life, my job was a joke and I haven't done anything of note in my private life, but I can truly say that my baby is my greatest achievement and proudest moment of all my years. Yes I know that millions of babies are born every day, but she truly is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Makes me look a bit daft as I was telling anyone who would listen that I would be having a boy, I felt my maternal instincts wouldn't be so wrong. Oops yes they were and baby pumpkin is the cutest sweetest baby ever born (in my somewhat very biased opinion!)
Oooh that's all soppy isn't it!! I will update you on all the other things that have gone on since July 2007
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