Tuesday, April 03, 2007

To Whine is a Crime

The girls at work and me have made a pledge to stop whining about everything at work.

We’ve realised that we are lucky we have our health, good families and jobs (I wouldn’t go a far as saying good!) There are lots of opportunities in life for us, so as things go we’re very fortunate… Yet we still moan!!

It started off with a newspaper article that Lisa and I read over the weekend. A church pastor in America was fed up with all the moaning his wealthy, healthy congregation were doing that he issued them all wristbands and made them promise to not moan for 2 weeks. If they forgot and moaned then they would have to switch the wristband to their other wrist and start again for 2 weeks.

It sounds all well and good, until you actually try. Go on give it a go if you can! I spend 10 minutes in my no moaning pledge and I fell off the wagon. I don’t know what it is about work but some things are just sooo annoying. Especially with e-mail, people can annoy you from long distances!!! Without ever meeting you!!!!

So I’ve tried really hard to be an unmoaning person. When confronted with an issue from a senior manager I appreciated the challenge to assert myself – rather than muttering that it wasn’t my problem and that they should bother someone else.

This has made me think, perhaps I do moan a lot – especially without reason, but then I’m a girl we are programmed to whine about things, we do a lot of chatting moaning about boys, work, our hair, lack of money (because we’ve spent it on rubbish things) it’s what has bonds us.

So Whinging makes the world go round, but on the face of it – I have very little to moan about but hormones don’t half make you a miserable grotbag!!!


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