Can't Help Acting on Impulse

OK I'm impulsive by nature and I'd been half-debating getting myself a new bike, and as usual when a little idea pops in my mind it's hard to ignore it. So hence the reason on Friday night after work I find myself wheeling out of Evans Cycles with a brand new sparkly mountain bike (see above). It's lovely and I'm really chuffed with it all shiny and new. It probably has a lot to do with the fact that Evans Cycles (now making a strong contender for my favourite shop) employs really cute Aussi/Kiwi/S African male assistants. They are gorgeous!!! So felt that I couldn't leave empty handed. Bike was in the sale and they have given me a free service in 2 months to check that all is well with it wearing in. (now please give me free stuff for this plug!)
So this explains that why on Saturday morning I was out in the feezing cold on my brand new sparkly bike. I'd wrapped up warm in the new fleeces that I got for Xmas, and was very glad for my new waterproof trousers to keep my legs warm and dry. Small problem with the bike in that it wouldn't select the 3rd gear on the front cog, nor would it get 8th gear on the rear cog. Just needs some fettling with the cables. It did mean that I was out with a mere 14 gears, one less than my old bike!!! I need my dad at times like this, he's a real bike expert, pity he lives in Carlisle - still a trip to the Aussie boys at EvansCycles is something to look forward to!
The biggest shock of the morning was the amount of people up and around at 10 am on a Saturday morning!! My morning ride took me past 2 golf course both filled with people on the tee, including some on the 16th at the Muni, so they must have set off at silly o'clock. Saw quite a few lefties on the course - 3 in fact - so it reminded me that I should arrange some more golf lessons as I haven't even attempted my swing since I played at Haigh Hall in September.
Also cycled past a couple of kids football matches being played on a bobbly up-hill pitch. There was a little tubby lad in goal leaning against the goal post which made me giggle, meanwhile all the kids were playing a kind of 1-9 formation!! Could hear lots of screaming mums and dads offering encouragment (and some choice words) to their offsprings.
It really is a different world on Saturday morning when I normally lounge around in my pjs watching Soccer AM and making a big brunch. I did feel very good when I got back from my ride and still had plenty of time before I had to head out for my hair cut at Peewees in Manchester. Got into town in plenty of time so got some gossipy mags to read whilst getting my hair done - no matter what time I get there Danni is always late!! Hairdressers perogative. Danni is rather lovely father of twins and recently married looks like an extra from Oliver Twist all skinny with blonde curls, completed the look today with a tweed flat cap and scarf in a jaunty knot at his neck. As usual hair took about 2 hours to get done but I wasn't that fussed and buried my nose in the news of Jennifer Aniston's new wardrobe and Cameron and Justin's split.
Finished the day with a babysitting promise for my friend Sally and her son Alexander. It was Sally and Rob's 7th wedding anniversary so I said that I'd mind Al for them so they could have a meal out, they don't get out much!! He was as good as gold and didn't wake up once... Well I think he didn't, as I fell asleep on the sofa after eating pringles and watching the World Wildest Police Chases III. What a waste of a new haircut!!!
The Boys at Evans wish you many hours of fun and games on your new bike, come say hi whenever you want. xoxo
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